In December 1999, Vigan City was listed in the UNESCO World Heritage List of Sites and Monuments, awarded as the UNESCO’s Best Practice in World Heritage Management on the 40th Anniversary of the World Heritage Convention in Kyoto, Japan in 2012 and named as one of the New Seven Wonders-Cities of the World officially inaugurated as such on May 7, 2015. This September year 2019, as the only heritage city in the Philippines, Vigan City celebrates the World Heritage Cities Solidarity Cultural Festival for the whole month. Events of the festival from include singing competitions, photography, zarzuela Ilocana (Ilocano stage play), dallot (a part of the Ilocano oral tradition of debate through singing), kinnantaran (aform of debate between a man and a woman through singing), cultural quiz, sabayang pagbigkas (speech choir), daniw (poetry), storytelling, writing on the history of Vigan as told by senior residents, painting, and folk dancing. The festival has been also featuring the Chinese Community Solidarity Festival for three years now and Indian Community Solidarity Day that began in 2017. The role of the city’s youth in the preservation of the World Heritage City is the focus of the Heritage Youth Congress.
Solidarity works best when we respect each other's different needs and life circumstances, understanding that there are many ways of being in solidarity, and coordinate our responses.
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